Sponsor Spotlight: Ampla Finance

Sponsor Spotlight: Ampla Finance

In a series of Supporters in Focus pieces, we are thrilled to introduce our sponsors of The British Wills and Probate Awards 2022.

Alongside headline sponsor Executor Solutions, we look forward to recognising achievement, highlighting progression and championing innovation.

We’re delighted to have Ampla Finance on board with the fifth year of The British Wills & Probate Awards.

First of all, tell us who you are and what you do

Ampla Finance brings over 50 years’ experience in lending to offer transparent and fair financing options specifically designed to help UK consumers with certain life events.

Our core Legacy product includes the Inheritance Loan, allowing individuals to access up to 70% of an inheritance quickly, even before Probate is granted.

Our Executor loan enables Executors of inherited estates to release funds to settle liabilities (including Inheritance Tax), pay other estate debts or finance the refurbishment or repair of property.

What changes have you seen over the last 12 months, and how have you adapted to this?

The biggest change we have seen in the Legacy market over the past 12 months is the rising number of individuals who are facing an Inheritance Tax bill when a loved one has passed away. This has been driven by a growing property market and stagnant Inheritance Tax bands, with the threshold currently frozen at £325,000, and taxed at 40% for anything above this.

We have also found an increasing awareness from partners, IFAs and Accountants that there are solutions out there, resulting in a significant increase in enquiries.

To support this demand, we have continued to grow our Legacy team to ensure that we continue to deliver our gold standard of service to both our partners and customers.

Looking to the future, what are your predictions for the sector in 2022/23 and beyond?

Due to continuing property price rises we expect to see an increasing number of individuals facing Inheritance Tax bills who have not made provisions.

As a result, we expect the sector to continue to grow throughout the 2023 and beyond.

What made you support Innovation & Transformation of the Year, and what is your message to its entrants?

We are proud to be sponsoring the Innovation & Transformation category for the second year running. It recognises how a new innovative project or product has positively impacted the sector, taking the area of Wills and Probate forward.

There are some excellent entrants in the category this year, and we wish them all the best of luck and look forward to awarding the winner on the night.

What have been Ampla Finance biggest achievements this year?

Our Legacy products have seen significant growth this year, and we look forward to continuing this trajectory throughout the remainder of the year.

Furthermore, we are proud of the support to our partners and their clients, seeing our team go above and beyond to help individuals in difficult situations with complex cases.

Can you share an exciting piece of news or company update with us?

Ampla’s mission has always been a market leader and innovator in the products and services that it offers.

We continue to listen to our partners and their needs, reacting accordingly to improve our offering. With this, we are excited to announce that we will be launching a new product in the coming weeks, stay tuned to our website amplafinance.com for more updates.

Find out more about partnering with Ampla Finance their website at https://ampla.finance/work-with-us-beneficiary-or-executor/, or email andrew.Shirtcliff@amplafinance.com. Alternatively, please call 0800 009 6590.

Thank you to Ampla Finance for their support for The British Wills & Probate Awards 2022.

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