The Video Hearings service is HMCTS video hearings solution, which has been developed as part of the Reform Programme. It allows people to participate in a hearing using a computer, tablet or smartphone and is specially designed to replicate the experience and formality of a hearing in a court or tribunal building.
This practical webinar will provide attendees with:
- a demonstration of the service
- an overview of how the service has been developed using feedback from the judiciary and court users
- information on how to prepare their organisations to begin using the service
The panel will include:
- Claire Jukes – Senior Service Manager, and other members of the HMCTS Video Hearings team
- 7th June 2022, 1pm – 2pm
You can submit questions during the event by using the live chat bar, or in advance by emailing with the subject line “VH service webinar”.
The event will also be recorded and anyone who registers will be notified when the recording is available.
Register by clicking here.