Title Research is an expert provider of genealogical research and asset repatriation services. Their solutions help legal professionals streamline the estate administration process, ensure accurate distribution, and mitigate the risk of future disputes.
Additionally, Title Research shares educational content to help you understand the complexities of estate administration, genealogy, and dealing with overseas assets. Catch up on some of their recent blogs to learn more:
- What is escheatment?
When dealing with an estate that has US assets, you may come across the term escheatment, which is a process that involves unclaimed accounts being claimed by the state. This blog provides an overview of this process and how to reclaim escheated funds. - Understanding intestacy in Scotland
The rules of intestacy are different in Scotland compared to England and Wales. It’s important for legal professionals to understand the Scottish rules of succession to avoid mistakes in distribution. - An overview of Federal Transfer Certificates
In the US, a Federal Transfer Certificate is required to deal with certain assets. This article covers the key facts about the process of obtaining one, including the requirements and documentation.
If you have any questions about genealogical research, asset repatriation, or how you can work with Title Research, call them on +44 (0) 345 87 27 600 or email info@titleresearch.com.
This article was submitted to be published by Title Research as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.