Renew Practising Certificate by 31st October 2023

Practising certificate and registration renewals take place from 1st to 31st October 2023.

This year, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has included no new questions or changes to what they ask for from law firms or individuals.

However, they have made some enhancements to the applications to improve the experience.

Linked below you will find what you will be asked and the guidance on how to complete the application:

The cost of an individual practising certificate for 2023-2024 will be £307. This is an increase of £21 compared to last year.

The Law Society of England and Wales have stated they have ambitious plans for the year ahead to deliver more of what the profession have told them is important.

These include:

  • highlighting the value of solicitors
  • representing members’ voices and the public interest in key policy issues
  • protecting access to justice and the rule of law by channelling the expertise and views of members in response to new legislative initiatives and legal development

The Law Society’s three-year strategy sets out their vision, objectives and outcomes which will be developed using their main source of income which s the funds they receive from the practising certificate. Those funds ultimately determine what can be planned and undertaken for members, the profession and wider society.

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