Proposed changes could mean electronic signatures for Lasting Powers of Attorney and Countrywide Legacy is prepared

It has been widely reported that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has made strong recommendations for the standard paper and pen signature when applying for Power of Attorney to be scrapped, making it much easier to apply.

Currently, the application process for a Lasting Power of Attorney requires a wet signature, a witness and someone to confirm the donor is of sound mind. Instead, the FCA wants the Office for Public Guardian (OPG) to allow people to fill in online forms without having the need to provide a wet signature.

Despite the OPG moving more of its processes online in recent years, withdrawing paper signatures will require a change of law to be passed by Parliament. Thus meaning it could be a considerable time before this becomes legislation.

Our sophisticated Will Writing Software, Countrywide Legacy has already developed the technology for electronic signatures and so should this come into legislation we are ahead of the game. This may not be the case for other software providers.

Digital signing is fast, easy and far more secure than the time-honoured tradition of signing paper.

Why is it more secure?

  • Documents are trackable.
  • Ensures content is tamper proof
  • Any attempts to tamper with the signature are visible

At Countrywide Legacy we continue to improve on and develop our Software, ensuring that it is at the forefront of the Will writing industry. Our innovative and bespoke Software not only allows you to draft arguably the most extensive range of legal documents, everything from a simple Will to a Trust of Land, but also allows you to draft unlimited documents for one low fixed monthly cost.

Our Will writing Software is the full package and can be yours today for only £42 + VAT per month, with no lock ins.

Countrywide Legacy, we have it all wrapped up.



Why not try our 30 day Free Trial?



This article was submitted to be published by Countrywide Legacy as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.

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