Engaging with Clients Through Will Bank Management

Stephen Rimmer Solicitors LLP is a full service law firm offering support to businesses and individuals with offices in Eastbourne and Hastings.  Based in the high streets of the local community, the team of over 100 staff are always available to support clients with their legal requirements.

This year, Jo Osman, Private Client Assistant at Stephen Rimmer Solicitors started a project to update the firm’s Will Bank.  She explained:

“We have a Will bank of around 15,000 Wills dating back to the 1980s when the practice was first set up.  We have also inherited Wills from other local firms which have closed down, so some records are much older with some Wills created as early as in the 1950s.

Before Covid, a law degree placement student worked with us for a year, starting to check records and beginning to digitalise the contents of our Will bank.  Then the Pandemic hit and progress was paused.  Now, we have picked up the project again, this time working with Estatesearch who use their technology to cleanse our records and notify us of anyone who has passed away, or any changes of address.

As you can imagine it’s a huge task!  Information is provided to Estatesearch in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.  Then, once the data has been cleansed, I extract the information from the Estatesearch portal in batches to ensure capacity to follow-up properly.  At Stephen Rimmer Solicitors, we pride ourselves on our personalised approach and so I tailor letters relevant to what the client holds with us and send them to people with a Will which is over five years old, inviting them to update it if they wish.

Feedback has been positive so far with 22% of people responding and around 10% making appointments to meet with us, either to update their Will or because they would like to discuss Lasting Powers of Attorney.   One couple have asked that we remind them again in two years’ time, so our proactive approach is clearly being welcomed.

A few clients have informed us they have made new Wills elsewhere, so we have also been able to return their old Will to them for them to destroy.  This means our records are fully up to date should executors make enquiries about the last Will and Testament of their loved one when the time comes.”

Grant Sanders, Partner – Practice Manager confirms:

“The Will bank cleansing service provided by Estatesearch is not only a valuable income generating tool for us, but it means we can continue to engage with clients we may not have connected with for a while, which is particularly useful.  It also means we are providing a valuable, proactive service where we can really look after our clients.  This sets us apart as a firm.”

Stephen Rimmer Solicitors is a member of LawNet, an organisation supporting quality law firms which adhere to the highest standards including ISO and Lexcel accreditation.   Grant Sanders continues:

“We were first introduced to our Estatesearch account manager Jack Percival at a LawNet event a few years ago.   We now also use a number of Estatesearch’s other services including placement of Section 27 Notices and the company’s Financial Asset Search to establish assets and liabilities within an estate.  It’s early days with the Will Bank Management project as it will take considerable time to complete fully.  However, we are delighted with the service provided so far and would recommend it to other firms looking to update their Will data to achieve better, proactive communication with clients.”

For further information about Stephen Rimmer Solicitors please see:  https://www.stephenrimmer.com/

For further information about Estatesearch please see:  https://www.estatesearch.co.uk/

This article was published by Estatesearch as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate.

The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.

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