Bereavement Support Payment: Key things to know

What is Bereavement Support Payment and to whom is it relevant? Key things to know about it, though for many this will be just a refresher.

Bereavement Support Payment is a lesser-known welfare benefit available to those whose husband, wife, or civil partner, or long-term partner with whom they have children, died in the last 21 months.

➡️ What it is

➡️ The rate paid

➡️ Who and how to apply

➡️ Applicable qualifying conditions

Those eligible receive either a standard or higher benefit rate dependent on whether they are responsible for children or not. The support payment is only issued for 18 months after the date of death, so it is important for applicants to apply sooner rather than later.

Bereavement Support has replaced Bereavement Allowance (previously Widow’s Pension), Bereavement Payment, and Widowed Parent’s Allowance.

Whilst not means-tested, as with all welfare benefits, there are a few qualifying conditions, and these are set out below:

➡️ The death must have occurred on or after 6th April 2017

➡️The deceased paid National Insurance contributions for a period of at least 25 weeks in one tax year since April 1975 or the deceased died as a result of an accident at work, or a disease caused by work

➡️The surviving partner was under State Pension age at the time of the partner’s death

➡️The surviving partner was living in the UK or a country that pays bereavement payments when the death occurred

All payments, including the lump sum, are not taxable and have no impact on other benefits received.

Of course, such payments can never take away the pain of losing a loved one but can certainly help a little. Further information can be found on the following Government website:

This article was submitted to be published by Anglia Research as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.

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