Women in Wills

Women in Wills in-person meet up – Bristol

On Thursday 28th September, Women in Wills came together again, this time in Bristol at the remarkable Harbour Hotel.

Raye Bradley, our Events Assistant, has shared an event update.

We were delighted to see that we had a handful of new members join us at the event, the group is very keen to welcome and connect with new individuals to build their relationships within the Wills and Probate Industry.

Alongside a fantastic lunch, we heard from two established individuals within the sector, first Sarah Bolt – Managing Associate in the Private Client Dispute Resolution team at Freeths LLP.

Sarah provided the group with an update on recent trends and developments, including the digitalisation of the sector, the impact of an aging population and the lack of regulation of pre-paid probate. The presentation included the interesting topic of the increase in demand for international and cross-border estate planning – something the sector is newly adjusting to. Sarah provided members with some take-home advice on what to look out for; including the potential review/reduction of inheritance tax and the increasing trend to make charitable legacies.

Hear more from Sarah Bolt via her LinkedIn page. It is worth mentioning that Sarah recently completed Ironman Wales, a fantastic achievement and demonstration of her strength, balancing training with her working life.

Our second speaker of the day was Leah Steele, Leah’s background is as a private client lawyer however more recently she is an executive coach, trainer and the founder of Searching for Serenity. Leah gave an unfiltered presentation on managing workload and dealing with stress. She spoke with our members about dealing with the feelings of ‘spinning plates’ – attempting to keep everything going without burning out. Leah discussed the Spoon Theory and asked members to think honestly about how many tasks they’re attempting to achieve in one day and the consequence of ‘borrowing a spoon from tomorrow’ to achieve today’s demands.

The topics Leah discussed encouraged a valuable discussion in the room about how people were feeling which hopefully provided a release and reassurance for our members.

The afternoon finished with an update from Women in Wills sponsors, Estatesearch and Arken.legal and a charity raffle for Bristol charity ‘Gympanzees‘. The charity are creating a place for disabled children to exercise and have fun in an environment that is suitable for their sensory and physical needs.

Thank you to all who attended the Bristol event, we hope to see many of our members again before the end of the year in Liverpool on the 16th of November, book your place here to get involved.


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