The latest in Fraser and Fraser’s popular series of free webinars brings together barrister Hugh Cumber and Moon Beever partners Richard Boulding and Edward Saunders.
Together, Richard, Ed and Hugh will be considering recent events in the area of contentious probate. Their discussion will include developments in the law of testamentary capacity, the pros and cons of early neutral evaluation as an alternative to mediation, the fate of serious allegations (forgery, undue influence, and fraud), and possible litigation arising out of the introduction of remote wills.
The panel
Richard Boulding is head of Moon Beever’s private client department, where he deals with a wide range of private client work including probate, trusts, capital tax planning, wills/LPAs and Court of Protection matters. Richard is a full member of Step and the Law Society’s Private Client Section and has a particular interest in contentious probate.
Edward Saunders has been a litigation partner at Moon Beever for over 20 years and has taken on contentious probate matters for over 10 years. Edward will be looking at various types of disputes between beneficiaries and professional personal representatives including those concerning costs.
Hugh Cumber is a self-employed barrister practising in private client law at 5 Stone Buildings. Hugh’s practice covers all aspects of trusts, estates and probate, with a focus on contentious trusts and estates work. Hugh appeared before the Supreme Court in the leading case on awards under the 1975 Act (led by Penelope Reed QC) and in the recent Supreme Court case concerning the inheritance tax treatment of pension transfers (led by David Rees QC).
Join us for the free webinar, the last in our 2020 season, on 26 November at 12:30, by clicking here.
This article was submitted to be published by Fraser and Fraser as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate