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CTT Group: Superhero webinar 100

It’s time to say goodbye to our SUPERHERO. Superhero Webinar 100 will not only be a landmark for CTT Group but also a chance to look at the ever-changing landscape that has faced estate planners over the past 100 months. Webinar 101 will represent a new dawn for Countrywide’s webinars.

Since the Superhero Webinar series began in January 2015, the estate planning landscape for both clients and advisers has become more and more challenging.

Such challenges include a Nil Rate Band (NRB) that has been fixed for the whole period (and before since April 2009) and what this has meant for estate planners and their clients who seek Inheritance Tax (IHT) savings, we will cover off some estate planning ideas that are often over looked and allow our clients to seek as much advantage as they can out of the current IHT regime, such as ‘automating’ the current £3,000 per annum ‘gifting allowance’.

What has been a theme throughout the whole Superhero Webinar campaign is flexibility. Here at CTT Group we have always championed flexibility within a client’s estate plan. It is not possible to draft a Will for a client today that will take into account all the factors and issues that their beneficiaries may face after they are gone… divorce, creditor problems, generation IHT etc.

Client’s beneficiaries, executors and trustees (of married couples/civil partners) should be allowed the flexibility to decide the most advantageous position for the beneficiaries by taking into account their circumstances, for example:

  • to use the NRB/RNRB on first death or allow it to transfer;
  • retain their inheritance in trust for a period; or to
  • loan funds to them for maximum protection, etc.

Throughout Superhero 100 we will cover 100 estate planning facts, interspersed with a quiz with prizes to be won!

So please join us on Friday 21st & Monday 24th April.

Friday 21st April – https://countrywidegroup-co-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/3216681639785/WN_-xqU1vbDQ_GMky9qWRHmWQ

Monday 24th April – https://countrywidegroup-co-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/4716681648172/WN_ACVmzk4XT5G3DvL08HYzOA

This article was submitted to be published by CTT Group as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.

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