• April 20, 2024
 Acres Of Free Staff

Acres Of Free Staff

Yes, your staff are undoubtedly diamonds, but are you still paying them out of existing business?


Add a line to everything you send out, asking for enquiries or introductions on whatever you do plus what can help you do, and maybe a few other things. Maybe help out one of your clients with referrals for them.

Get a member of your staff trained up to make recommendations (or give them to you) and maybe follow the earlier recommendation of updating files (GDPR can be an opportunity).

You should then have some enquiries that you didn’t have before, and probably have prevented some client “leakage.”

Now to turn that into paying at least part of the wage bill – if you reckon that one couple taking two funeral plans a month, that should bring in £1,000+ for maybe 30 minutes work.   Plus the odd client that you didn’t know was going through changes and needs your help on Wills, LPAs, Probate, Pensions, Investments or whatever else you do.

If you have a reasonable existing client and contact database, then there are truly acres of free staff out there, and a penny saved is a penny earned.

Contact Steve Pett at Best Funeral Plans on 01323 740847 or email info@BestFuneralPlans.co.uk to start “mining”!

This article was submitted to be published by Best Funeral Plans as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Wills and Probate. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Wills and Probate.

Best Funeral Plans


We exist to help you and your admin staff generate income and protect your clients from hard sell funeral plans. Why let your clients buy inferior plans and get into your client bank? We will be equipped to offer great advice from across the market. NO COST – only benefits

Key Services
Key Contact Stephen Pett Tel: 01323 740847 Email: info@bestfuneralplans.co.uk Linkedin Acc: Stephen Pett
Address: 2 Hankham Street Hankham Pevensey BN24 5BG