Anglia Research announces new charity partnership with Barnado’s

Yesterday we officially announced that we have teamed up with Barnardo’s as our chosen charity partner for the next two years, running until September 2026. Barnardo’s is a charity our researchers have reached out to, over the years, to help find missing relatives for deceased people who, as children, were in their care. We are […]

Caught in the IHT Snare

Higher death rate causes inheritance tax to rise to over £5 billion

His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) recently published its most up-to-date statistics relating to Inheritance Tax (IHT). They revealed that in the tax year 2021 to 2022, 4.39% of UK deaths resulted in an Inheritance Tax (IHT) charge, an increase of 0.66 percentage points from the tax year 2020 to 2021. This means that IHT […]

STEP outlines practical recommendations to help combat global economic crime

STEP, the global professional body for trust and estate practitioners, has today released its Tackling Economic Crime report outlining practical recommendations for preventing economic crime. STEP have said : ‘With 2024 being the biggest election year in history, many governments will be looking at how they can progress the fight against economic crime.’ Tackling Economic […]