From the CEO’s Desk: Insight from Exizent’s Response to the Probate Registry Inquiry

In our most recent blog, Nick Cousins, Co-Founder and CEO at Exizent, addressed the current probate challenges surrounding the performance of the Probate Registry. The House of Commons Justice Committee has recently initiated an inquiry seeking insights into people’s experiences of applying for probate including how the administration of probate could be improved for people […]
10 things for your clients to consider when writing their Wills

Most people don’t like to think about what will happen after their deaths, leading many to die without leaving a Will. Subsequently, this can cause a lot of stress for those dealing with the estate administration process. To help your clients understand the important considerations when writing their Will, Kings Court Trust’s new blog covers […]
Trust and Estate Disputes Quarterly Round-Up

This Trust and Estate Disputes quarterly round-up provides a summary of a cross-section of reported decisions handed down in the courts of England and Wales in the period October 2023 – December 2023. WITHERS TRUST CORPORATION V ESTATE OF HANNAH GOODMAN [2023] EWHC 2780 CH The High Court has made an order pursuant to section […]
Over half of Equity Release in 2023 used for home improvements, report finds

New data from Legal & General Home Finance shows that home improvements continued to be the primary reason that new equity release customers took out a lifetime mortgage last year (51%). Customers often used their lump sum to invest in improving their forever home. This includes adaptations to make sure a property remains suitable into […]
The Ombudsman’s Corner: January 2024

Our approach to offers made at first tier When a consumer first brings a complaint to us, one of the first thing we do is to establish whether the service provider has made an offer to resolve it during their own complaints procedure. If this is the case, and we think the service provider’s offer […]