Lead generation and conversion best practice in legal services

The latest episode of The Today’s Wills and Probate podcast considers the tricky challenge of generating leads and converting sales de organisations across the legal services spectrum. Joining host David Opie is Adam Stevens of The Law Superstore and Reallymoving.com. Experts in lead generation, the platforms generate thousands legal service enquiries each month. Adam shares […]
Intestacy: What to do when someone dies without a Will

When someone dies without leaving a Will – known as intestacy – it can complicate the probate and estate administration processes for your clients, as the law decides who will deal with the estate and who will inherit from it. To help your clients better understand what could be involved when dealing with an intestate […]
High Court rules executor can seek declaration of presumption of death

The High Court of England and Wales has ruled a nominated executor of an unproven will has standing to seek a declaration of presumption of death of a missing person. Under s1(5) Presumption of Death Act 2013, if the court is satisfied that a person has died or has been missing and not known to […]
SRA proposes new strategy focused on enhancing confidence in legal services

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has launched a consultation on its proposed Corporate Strategy for 2023–2026. Alongside publication of the overall strategy, it is also consulting on the finer detail of its business plan and budget for 2023-24, the first year of the new strategy period, which comes into effect from November 2023. Over the […]
New Chair for BEST Foundation announced at inaugural conference

The inaugural BEST Foundation Conference saw a new Chair appointed as Trevor Worth stepped down to be replaced by Philip Pamment. Worth, Founder and Managing Director of Portcullis Legals in Plymouth, was appointed the first Chair of the Advisory Board, alongside a Charlotte Ponder (Legal Director at CTT Group) who sits as Vice-Chair. The BEST […]
One in three waiting over a month to discuss dementia fears – study

A third of those who have noticed symptoms of dementia in themselves or a loved one are waiting over a month to discuss the matter, according to a new survey. Marking Dementia Action Week 2023, the Alzheimer’s Society’s survey found just 15% of those with concerns over symptoms brought the issue up straight away. What’s […]
UK legacy income to remain resilient at around £3.9bn a year

New research from Legacy Foresight has revealed that charity income from legacy giving is set to remain broadly stable at around £3.9bn per year having reached £3.85bn in 2022. Charity income from gifts in wills is forecast to remain resilient over the coming years, continuing at around this level for the next few years, despite ongoing economic […]
Hunt urged by UK pension funds not to force retirement schemes to invest in riskier assets

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been urged by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) not to force retirement schemes to invest in riskier and complex assets, according to The Times. It’s said the chancellor’s preference would be for Britain’s “highly fragmented” pensions market — which the report states has roughly 28,000 defined contribution schemes — […]