Who Should Benefit When You Die

Who Should Benefit When You Die

English law does not enable a family member to automatically receive a share of a person’s estate on their death. This is often referred to as “testamentary freedom” and was described in the 1860’s thus: “The English law leaves everything to the unfettered discretion of the testator …”. (Banks v Goodfellow (1869–70)). Some 45 years […]

Return, Restart and Recovery From Covid-19

Return, Restart and Recovery From Covid-19

The Law Society of England and Wales has launched it’s three ‘Rs’ – Return, Restart and Recovery – campaign which it hopes will promote the role of those in the legal profession in the national move to get the UK moving again following the coronavirus pandemic. The campaign will be in three stages: Helping solicitors […]

Oral Agreement Upheld To Share House Ownership

Oral Agreement Upheld To Share House Ownership

The England and Wales High Court has upheld an oral agreement between siblings John and Brenda Archibald and Patsy Alexander to share a house despite alleged lack of detriment (Archibald v Alexander, 2020 EWHC 1621 Ch). In 1997, the family home was purchased by the three siblings mother, however Patsy Alexander’s name was also added to the […]