Final category spotlight: Solicitor and Will Writing Firms of the Year

Final category spotlight: Solicitor and Will Writing Firms of the Year

The British Wills and Probate Awards are taking centre stage once again this October, and we are excited to shine a spotlight on some of the returning categories for this year’s awards.

Alongside our headline sponsor, Executor Solutions and Champagne Sponsor, Exizent, we look forward to recognising achievements, highlighting progression and championing innovation.

This week we’re spotlighting the following categories.

Solicitor Firm of the Year (National) – sponsored by Inheritance Data

This award represents the national Solicitor firm who has best proven all round excellence within the practice area of Wills, Probate and Estate Management. They effectively engage with their clients through various channels be it directly, online or through panels.

Last year’s winner was The Burnside Partnership, who were shortlisted alongside Hugh Jones Solicitors who were highly commended, Irwin Mitchell and Mackrell Solicitors.

Solicitor Firm of the Year (Regional)

North/Midlands/South – This award represents the regional Solicitor firm who has best proven all round excellence within the practice area of Wills, Probate and Estate Management. They effectively engage with their clients through various channels be it directly, online or through panels.

Solicitor Firm of the North Winner was Taylor and Emmet, with Hugh Jones Solicitors being Highly commended. Oliver and Co took third spot.

Solicitor Firm of the Midlands Winner was Taylor and Emmet, with Hugh Jones Solicitors being Highly commended. Glover Priest took third spot.

Solicitor Firm of the South Winner was Simpson Solicitors, with Grant Saw Solicitors being Highly commended. Morrisons Solicitors took third spot.

Will Writing Firm of the Year (National) – sponsored by Friends Legal

This award represents an exceptional Will Writing firm who has proven all round excellence on a national level within the practice area of Wills, Probate and Estate Management.

Last year’s winner was Farewill who were shortlisted alongside SLS Wills and Thy Will Be Done who were highly commended, Co-Op Legal Services took third place.

Will Writing Firm of the Year (Regional)

North/Midlands/South – This award represents an exceptional Will Writing firm who has proven all round excellence within the practice area of Wills, Probate and Estate Management.

More information about the awards, including a full list of categories and how to enter is available on The British Wills and Probate Website.

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