Superhero Webinar 74: Inheritance Tax Planning (Part 1 of 2)

Protect your client’s estate from IHT liabilities! Our next Superhero Webinar is part 1 of our Inheritance Tax Planning guide and covers how to reduce your client’s IHT liabilities. Topics include: • Dealing with Life Assurance correctly • Ever heard of a gift to/for the benefit of minor children being IHT exempt immediately? • Ever […]
Petition to change no children no allowance rule

In the summer of last year, Jade Gani, Head of Wills and Probate at Aston Bond Solicitors launched a petition to Make nieces and nephews “closely inherited” for RNRB purposes, by adding an additional clause to Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Part 1 section 8K which allows for a person’s nieces or nephews (by blood or […]
New AML Guidance needs a careful review

With the release of draft guidance on anti-money laundering guidance on 20 January 2021, there has been a furry of conversation about what this means. Amy Bell from Teal Compliance, has shared her recent blog with the readers of Today’s Wills and Probate to share her thoughts on the new draft guidance. Since 2017 LSAG […]
Moneypenny launches outbound calling service for law firms

Leading outsourced communications provider Moneypenny has launched an Outbound Calling service for the legal sector – to help firms save time and capture more leads. The new service can be used to qualify conveyancing enquiries, handle inbound leads for personal injury and other claims, and contact wills and probate and lasting powers of attorney clients […]
Legal sector helped with new AML guidance

The Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG), which includes all UK legal sector professional bodies and supervisors, has completed an extensive revision and redraft of its anti-money laundering (AML) guidance. This replaces previous versions of the guidance and is currently pending approval by HM Treasury, although the guidance is currently available in draft form. This draft […]