launches new Inter Vivos Trusts solution: Arken Lifetime

The launch of our new IV Trusts product – Arken Lifetime

Create Inter Vivos Trusts in a fraction of the time with Arken Lifetime – (UK) Ltd’s new efficiency solution. Award-winning legal technology provider, (UK) Ltd, has launched Arken Lifetime – a new efficiency tool for creating Trust documentation. Users of Arken Professional – the original private client document drafting software – can now […]

Due diligence results in probate work being won

Due diligence results in probate work being won

As a solicitor or Will writing professional, you need to demonstrate due diligence when distributing an estate to ensure that no later Wills that the deceased may have written exist and therefore present a risk of coming to light in the future. In the below case, this is exactly what Michael Lillywhite, Director at member […]

LeO backs redress extension for unregulated providers

LeO backs redress extension for unregulated providers

The Competition Market Authority (CMA) has been informed by the Legal Ombudsman (LeO), that the time is now right to allow complaints from clients of unregulated legal service providers. Clients are unclear about which areas of the sector are regulated and which are not, and the LeO has urged that more knowledge needs to be […]

The challenges around home working for Private Client Practitioners

The challenges around home working for Private Client Practitioners

Since the arrival of Covid-19 and lockdown there has been a lot of discussion and articles about home working.  Much of this has focused on home working from the viewpoint of the individual – should I use Teams or Zoom, isn’t it nice not having to commute and travel, how do I avoid embarrassing distractions […]

Non-Contentious Probate rules amended

Non-Contentious Probate rules amended

On 2 November 2020 the amended Non-Contentious Probate Rules come into force. They include the Overriding Objective, require solicitors and probate practitioners to use the online portal and replace the need for an affidavit with a witness statement. The Third Schedule provides circumstances where solicitors and probate practitioners will not need to use the portal […]