There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel

There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Though lockdown is beginning to ease, the business landscape will not return to normality in an instant. Many businesses have suffered a blow to their revenue as customers became accustomed to a new way of living. New attitudes adopted by consumers means that revenue uncertainty is set to linger for the months to come. There […]

The Light Bulb Moment

Many amazing businesses have been created with the help of drinks and friends. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, found his entrepreneurial spirit after a few drinks. Both UBER and Tinder began with a chat over drinks, as did our new business, Tower Street Finance. I was enjoying a cold beer with Martin Holdsworth, founder of […]

Information Security Review Forum – Watch Online Now

Information Security Review Forum - Watch Online Now

The final event in the current series of UKLTA ( online forums took place yesterday, where our expert panel shared their top tips for information and cyber security, considering how practices have adapted during lockdown and how technology can help. Chaired by Heather Anson (Anson Evaluate), our panellists Peter Wright (Digital Law UK), Jen Williams […]

Anticipation Grows As Sector Awaits MoJ Announcement

Anticipation Grows As Sector Awaits MoJ Announcement

It is anticipated that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) will make an announcement legalizing Wills that have been witnessed via video calls. It is thought people will be able to use video platforms like Zoom or Skype to sign their wills in the ‘virtual’ presence of two witnesses. The MoJ will this week unveil its […]

Free Mentoring Offered To Firms To Help Develop Equality, Diversity And Inclusion

Free Mentoring Offered To Firms To Help Develop Equality, Diversity And Inclusion

A new scheme launched this week that will give law firms the opportunity to develop their approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) with 12 months of free support from firms recognised as leaders in the field of EDI. The scheme aims to create more inclusive workplaces and businesses which will help benefit not only […]

Law Society Releases Annotated Probate Forms

Law Society Releases Annotated Probate Forms

Working together with HMCTS, the Law Society has released annotated probate forms as well as an FAQ that will help people when applying for probate. The forms, PA1P and PA1A, have been annotated with the registrar’s comments so that when using paper forms, the person applying can have a clearer understanding of what each section […]