What impact could cryptocurrency have on inheritances?
Cryptocurrency is a hot topic in tech circles. And, while Bitcoin has been a trendsetter – earning a reputation as the de facto standard for cryptocurrencies – it’s not the only player in the market. Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, Ripple, Monero and Dogecoin are also making a splash in the digital money world.
Over a Third of ‘Millennials’ Reliant on Inheritance to Purchase Property
A new report from Sanlam UK has revealed 34% of 25-45-year-olds would use inheritance to purchase property – the second most commonly cited use. Whilst saving or investing came top at 38%, alarmingly, almost a quarter (24%) will be relying on inheritance to pay off debt.
Where there’s World Cup Memorabilia, there should be a Will
England’s success in the World Cup has sparked renewed interest in all things football. That has sent the cost of memorabilia soaring – meaning it’s more important than ever to make sure you include treasured sporting items in your will.
Advice to protect consumers following pension cold call ban delay
Last month, the Government announced that the pension cold calling ban would be delayed until later this year.